Supporting the Daily 5 Online

The following link: includes a growing number of links to resources that support the Daily 5.  These links contain an entire library of short stories and picture books that work well with the SMART Board.  I have reproduced much of the list below....

Top 10 Websites for SMART Boards

This post is in response to a breakout session at the 2011 Interactiv Conference.  The presenter introduced 10 free websites and programs that enhance Interactive Whiteboard instruction.  The academic value of each website ranges from “kind of fun but not so...

1 to 1 Computing with Netbooks

Rick Kojis, Technology Coordinator of Wheatland School District, led this session.  He spoke on behalf of a district that just completed its first year implementing a 1 to 1 computing program. Pros: Although they experienced some bumps along the way, the initiative...

Adding Style to your SMART Board Lessons

Adding Style to your SMART Board Lessons This session highlighted some of the advanced features of the Notebook software that really make the SMART Board an engaging, interactive, and exciting classroom tool. By manipulating simple color and layer options, teachers...

The Future of Textbooks

The Future of Textbooks Houghton Mifflin Harcourt stands as one of the first major textbook publishers to publish a textbook as an “app.”  While many publishers offer e-book versions of their texts, those actually differ very little from their printed...

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