Life Cycles Resources

This post includes several links to videos, interactives, and games for a ‘Life Cycles’ science unit. Videos* Hatching Baby Chick Butterfly Metamorphosis  Spiders (Discovery Channel) Slow Motion Lady Bug (7000 frames per second) Icky, Icky Insects Song...

Science on the Simpsons

I found this resource on Edmodo’s Science group – originally put together by Dan Burns from Los Gatos High School. Teach with Homer… No, not the Homer of Iliad and Odyssey fame. I’m talking about Homer Simpson and his take on Thermodynamics....

Google Earth: Placemarks and Tours

This video demonstrates how to add Placemarks to Google Earth to create tours, also known as “virtual field trips”. What’s a Placemark? Placemarks allow you to set a course of “travel” in Google Earth.  Instead of navigating blindly, or...

White House Interactive Tour

Ever wonder what the White House is really like?  The interactive tour at takes you on a behind-the-scenes tour of the people’s house. Interactive Tour The interactive tour features a full map of the White House with links to embedded media...

Schoolhouse Rock

It seems these days if you’re looking for a video clip for a lesson, you can likely find it on YouTube. Now you can find the most popular Schoolhouse Rock videos on the SchoolhouseRockVids YouTube channel.  

Penguin Cam – Sea World is kind of like YouTube, only instead of recorded videos that you play on demand, it offers feeds to live streaming videos. Penguin Cam Sea World broadcasts a live stream of their Penguin exhibit all day long.  What better way to compliment snack time than...

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