SMART Board – Hot Spots

This video demonstrates how to use the Hot Spots interactive Multimedia tool in SMART Notebook. Hot Spots? Hot Spots allow students to engage with content in an interactive way by matching vocabulary terms to locations on images.  This tool is great for geography,...

SMART Board – Adding a Coordinate Plane

This video demonstrates how to quickly add a coordinate plane to a SMART Board presentation. Backgrounds and Themes Notebook comes pre-loaded with hundreds of backgrounds and themes under the gallery tab.  Backgrounds and themes provide nicer designs for your...

Fraction Maker

Fractions pose almost as much trouble for teachers trying to create SMART Board lessons as they do for students trying to learn them. Search “Fraction Maker” in the gallery tab and let this interactive multimedia tool make your life easier.

Top 10 Websites for SMART Boards

This post is in response to a breakout session at the 2011 Interactiv Conference.  The presenter introduced 10 free websites and programs that enhance Interactive Whiteboard instruction.  The academic value of each website ranges from “kind of fun but not so...

SMART Board – Transparent Background Tool

This video demonstrates how to use a tool that many SMART Board users don’t even knows exists – The Transparent Background Tool. What Does it Do? If you’ve ever tried to use the ink layer on a .PDF or website, you know how frustrating it can be when...

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